Nutrition – Current Month 2022

This page contains Nutrition Materials for Purpose Posse Members – Last updated 10/31/22


You can access the contents of this page with the tabs below:

  • Nutritional information for the current month of the Purpose Posse
  • Details about Nutrition focuses from past months
  • Valuable Nutrition Tips and Tricks
  • Tools You Can Use

Review Nutritional Focuses from previous Posse months

November 2022 Focus – Pause & Pray- Prior to eating with the Pause App

October 2022 Focus – Food That Fuels Me Well

September 2022 Focus – Mindful Eating Part 1

August 2022 Focus – Intuitive Eating Principles

July 2022 Focus – Intuitive Eating Principles

Here are some “Evergreen” nutritional tips and tricks that the Purpose Posse has uncovered over the months.

6 Tips to help you watch your portion sizes

  1. Use a smaller plate.
  2. Use your hand as a guide! (see picture below)
  3. When eating out get your to go container first and put half your portion away.
  4. Start meals with a glass of water.
  5. Eat slowly. It takes time to digest.
  6. Don’t eat straight from a package.

Check Out the Nutrition Terms

Check Out the Total Calories Find out how many calories are in a single serving.
Excellent source of:
Provides at least 20 percent or more of the Daily Value of a particular vitamin of nutrient per serving.
Calorie free:
Less than five calories per serving.
Fat free/sugar free:
Less than ½ gram of fat or sugar per serving.
Low sodium:
140 milligrams or less of sodium per serving.

Shopping List by Recipe

Another way in which to organize a grocery list is by recipe and then by food category. This is a two-step process that may be helpful for individuals who like to use recipes and/or plan specific meals for the week ahead of time. With this approach, individuals may select two or three recipes for the week ahead and note the specific ingredients required for each. These ingredients are then grouped together in one list that is organized by food categories (as in the Sample Grocery List Template). Listing similar items together in specific food categories such as produce, dairy, seafood, etc. can help streamline the shopping experience and make it more efficient.

A haphazard or disorganized list (or lack of a list) can lead to back-tracking across a grocery store for forgotten items. This is not only inefficient but can also expose consumers to more products in the store (as they backtrack through it) and increase the amount of time that they spend in the store. Both of these behaviors, in-store travel distance and length of time in the store, have been associated with an increased likelihood of making unplanned purchases (Hui et al., 2013; Bell et al., 2011).


Snacks should, ideally, serve a purpose in your diet. And, as with meals, they should be planned out and/or planned for within the context of an overall healthy eating pattern.

Snacks should be within an appropriate caloric range for you and should be considered in relation to your nutrient composition and contribution to your diet. The size of the snack will depend on your overall calorie needs and your preference of meal frequency

Diet Overview