Meditation Tools & Assets

Several of our Health and Wellness programs feature meditation. As a result, CrossPoint Clinical Services has a growing library of tools and assets in this area. In hopes that many in the communities we serve will find benefit, we are making these assets openly available to everyone at this webpage. 

These meditation sessions are recorded and made available as downloadable/streaming audio files to use whenever is most convenient for you. Enjoy!

Last Updated 7/18/22

Meditations are a crucial part of our ongoing “Purpose Posse” experience as we regularly “Practice His Presence”.

Learn More About Purpose Posse

Christian Meditation

The webinar at the link below is an excellent introduction to Christian Meditation. We recommend you review this prerecorded session if you have not been involved in meditation prior to sampling the prerecorded sessions below. The webinar is 56 minutes in length.

Also be sure to review the PDF below featuring Biblical Scriptures on Mindfulness, Mediation & Stillness.

Practicing His Presence – Pre-Recorded Meditation Webinar – January 2021

Biblical Scriptures on Mindfulness (PDF)

Prerecorded Meditations (Downloadable/Streamed Audio Files)

Bible Study Series 9 Studies

Journey To The Cross 21 Moving Meditations

Not My Will, But Yours Meditation Sequence

Logos & Rhema 

Praise is our Weapon (11:18)

Endure Hardship (15:48)

Embracing Suffering (15:56)

Gods Promise (14:36)

Set Our Minds (18:52)

Faith Realized (16:59)

John 4:38 (14:56)

Mountains Moved (13:41)

By Faith Not by Sight (15:57)

Desire Mercy (15:56)

Colossians 3 (15:54)

Hebrews 13 (14:41)

1 Thessalonians 2 (11:43)

1 Corinthians 11:32. (15:35)

Look Up – Isaiah 40 (16:46)

Jeremiah 17 (14:11)

Hebrews 5:14 (14:52)

1 John 3 22 Meditation (13:30)

Clean Heart (19:59)

2 Corinthians 5:1 (14:41)

2 Peter 3 Meditation (14:40)

2 Corinthians 4 – 14 Meditation (14:58)

Psalm 19 7 – 11 Meditation (15:49)

Matthew 13 Verse 16 Meditation (13:28)

Life To The Full Meditation (15:24)

Jeremiah 15 Verse 16 Meditation (13:58)

‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5_18‬ (14:50)

Clay in his hands (11:48)

Colossians 2_6-7 (17:20)

Habakkuk 3_17-19 (15:18)

I am here (15:13)

I love you Lord (14:31)

Jeremiah 29_11 (15:30)

Jesus at the Center  (14:58)

John 16_33 (15:47)

Romans 8_18 (14:15)

Shine (14:38)

Training Gratitude- Colossians 1_21-23 (11:03)

Treasure in heaven (12:06)

Roman’s 1:20 (15:37)

Proverbs 3: 5 – 6 (17:22)

Revealed By His Spirit (15:24)

His Love Endures Forever (15:00)

Do Not Love This World (14:57)

Set My Mind (14:31)

Let The Peace Of Christ Rule (14:36)

Rest (11:53)

Walking In Step By The Spirit (15:43)

Freedom In God (15:13)

Embrace Suffering (17:28)

What Is The Truest Thing About You (14:51)

Christ Ambassador (14:27)

Fix My Eyes (13:27)

Made For Good Works (15:06)

Hebrews 12_1 (14:48)

Wait On Him (15:36)

He Sees You (13:35)

Praises Shape Your Worries (14:24)

Romans 12 – 1 With Michelle Connor Rest And Reset (12:23)

1 Corinthians 6 12 With Michelle Connor Rest And Reset (9:18)

2 Timothy 1 – 7 With Michelle Connor Rest and Reset (8:18)

Numbers 13 (14:07)

Psalm 139 (16:25)

Make Every Effort (17:08)

Eph 3 14 – 19 Rooted In His Love (15:06)

Ephesians 3 14 – 16 (16:18)

Matthew 12 (17:11)

Mark 11_23 (16:10)

Hebrews 1_3 (15:40)

2 Cor 4:18 (16:17)

Phil 2:13 (15:46)

2 Tim 1_7 (18:39)

1 Thessalonians 5-16 (16:31)

Eph 4:32 (15:36)

Ephesians 1_18 (15:36)

Body Scan Secular (15:24)

Breathing (15:01)

Romans 5_1-2 Meditation & SOAP (15:25)

Gratify the right desires (14:58)

Worry’s and regrets- letting go- Gal 2_20-21 (11:32)

Psalm 119 (14:51)

Proverbs 4_20-22 (15:10)

2 Thessalonians 3_5 (15:22)

Matthew 12 (17:11)

2 Tim 1:7 (15:53)

Psalm 31 (11:29)

Forgiveness (23:27)

Delight in Discipline (15:18)

Raised with Christ (15:39)

Notice what is true – He will fight for you (17:55)

1 Peter 5_5 (15:59)

2 Corinthians 12_9-10 (15:23)

Hebrews 5_2,8 (14:52)

Centering ourselves in the present (13:45)

Worship 1 (10:07)

Hebrews 12_11 1 (15:55)

Cloud of witnesses (29:27)

Exodus 33:18-19 (15:54)


Meditations based on Literature

Sacred Rhythms Chapter 1 Meditation (14:53)

Sacred Rhythms Chapter 2 Meditation (17:55)

Sacred Rhythms Chapter 3 Meditation (16:35)

Sacred Rhythms Chapter 4 Meditation (14:58)

Sacred Rhythms Chapter 5 Meditation (12:56)

Sacred Rhythms Chapter 6 Meditation (16:27)

Sacred Rhythms Chapter 7 Meditation (16:18)

Sacred Rhythms Chapter 8 Meditation (14:14)

Sacred Rhythms Chapter 9 Meditation (15:13)


Breath Prayers

Heir to the Crown – Day 1 Meditation (15:21)

Heir to the Crown – Day 2 Meditation (13:02)

Heir to the Crown – Day 3 Meditation (14:54)

Heir to the Crown – Day 4 Meditation (15:22)

Heir to the Crown – Day 5 Meditation (8:59)

Heir to the Crown – Day 6 Meditation (15:07)

Heir to the Crown – Day 7 Meditation (15:52)

Heir to the Crown – Day 8 Meditation (13:00)

Heir to the Crown – Day 9 Meditation (20:51)

Heir to the Crown – Day 10 Meditation (16:06)

Heir to the Crown – Day 11 Meditation (16:39)

Heir to the Crown – Day 12 Meditation (16:26)

Heir to the Crown – Day 13 Meditation (15:26)

Heir to the Crown – Day 14 Meditation (15:13)

Heir to the Crown – Day 15 Meditation (15:35)