Wellness and Mental Health Coaching

Wellness and Mental Health Coaching

Our Wellness Coaches are here to help, support and guide you as you set health goals, whether to lose weight, improve energy, better manage stress, sleep better and much more. As a mental health coach we come alongside to help you manage your mental health more effectively, while growing closer to God.


We offer three different pricing plans to best meet your needs. Please find details below.

Option #1 is a Three-Month Subscription Paid Monthly with discounted session costs.

You can purchase this subscription in quantities of 5 or 10 sessions. The cost per session is $52.25 and $47.50 respectively. You will be charged once a month for three months.

Discounted 3 Month Subscription | Paid Monthly | Options:

Option #2 is a Six-Month Subscription Paid Monthly with discounted session costs.

You can purchase this subscription in quantities of 5 or 10 sessions. The cost per session is $49.50 and $45.00 respectively. You will be charged once a month for six months.

Discounted 6 Month Subscription | Paid Monthly | Options:

Option #3 is a Single (one time) Purchases of Session Packages

You can purchase these packaged sessions in quantities of 10 sessions. Each session is 45 minutes.

10 Session Purchase Plan